S10 RedEyes is an image edition and enhancement tool. As its name suggests, the main use you would give this application is to remove the so dreaded red eye effect. The application can successfully delete said effect by replacing the color of the pupils with something else.
S10 RedEyes will not detect red eyes and fix them automatically. You have to actually open a picture at a time, find the red eyes, draw a circle around the red pupils and adjust a few settings. It is not hard to do at all. It is just not automatic.
The application works very well at removing the red eyes effect. You can simply drag and drop an image into the program and click in the middle of one of the red eyes. A more zoomed-in view will appear, where you have to select the red eye by applying a circular mask. This will replace the red color for a black circle. You can adjust the color and brightness by moving a few sliders. If you do things right, nobody will be able to tell you used an application to remove the red eyes.
Apart from removing red eye effect, S10 RedEyes can be used as a general editing app. You can crop images, adjust brightness and contrast, rotate, etc.